
Macaroni Kid EATS!

By Heather Wirtz July 19, 2016
By mid-summer, gardens are overflowing and fresh produce is plentiful at farmers' markets and grocery stores everywhere! This is the best time of year to experiment with and enjoy fresh fruits and veggies. Have some family members who like to avoid the healthier options? Try letting them pick out a new fruit or vegetable at the market and helping to prepare it. This is a fun and simple way to introduce new foods and even the wary are usually willing to taste what they selected!

In this edition of Macaroni Kid EATS, you will find sides perfect for a picnic or cookout using fresh produce, a pulled pork recipe great for a crowd, S'mores Galore for National S'mores Day August 10th and Five Things to do with Zucchini!

We would love to see your homemade creations, please tag @MacaroniKidEATS in your pictures on Instagram and be sure to also follow Macaroni Kids EATS!

Until next month,

Enjoy some great EATS!