
Perfect Chocolates

By Joyce Shulman February 17, 2015
In honor of Macaroni Chocolate month, we went looking for the best chocolates we could find. Here are five of our favorites.


Wei of Chocolate

We are obsessed with the herb-infused dark chocolates from Wei of Chocolate

Founder and self-proclaimed chocolate geek Lisa Reinhardt has infused organic, fair trade dark chocolate that is dairy free, soy free, gluten free and GMO free with a variety of herbs and extras designed to promote joy and good health, one delicious morsel at a time. She encourages chocolate lovers to use these lovingly prepared chocolates as the impetus for a two-minute, chocolate-inspired meditation. And the flavors? Well, we love them all ... from chai spice designed to help you stop and take a break, to the Himalayan pink salt with flower essence for creativity and inspiration.


Peanut Butter Pups from Gearharts Chocolates 

Gearharts Chocolates was named one of the top chocolatiers by Dessert Professional Magazine — an honor we say is well-deserved. While all of their products are fantastic, we are particularly taken with their Peanut Butter Pups. Crafted from milk chocolate and artisan peanut butter, with dark chocolate faces and toasted almond ears, they are almost too cute to eat. But we suggest you eat them and then buy them again ... because 5% of all sales is donated to Companions for Heroes, an organization that matches rescued pets as companion animals for wounded veterans.


Gorgeous dark chocolate hearts from KOHLER Original Recipe Chocolates

Nestled in boxes of four, nine or 32, dark chocolate hearts from Kohler Original Recipe Chocolates are little nuggets of chocolate that look like beautifully polished stones. The shiny red shell encases dark chocolate around a soft raspberry ganache center that is graced with subtle hints of champagne and cognac. A sophisticated flavor — we suggest you keep this one for yourself, or share it with your honey.


Truffles from Moonstruck Chocolate

Moonstruck Chocolates has a knock-your-socks-off collection of artisan truffles ... milk chocolate, dark chocolate, ivory chocolate and their growing distillers line that infuses chocolate with liqueurs  While we can't do justice to the incredible selection, allow us to wet your appetite ... Sea Salt Pecan Clusters, Pure Gold Truffle, Extra Bittersweet Black Cat Truffle, Mayan Truffle, Peanut Butter Cream Cone, well maybe you better go see for yourself.


Pound Plus Chocolate Bars from Trader Joe's

While nothing beats a perfect morsel of artisan chocolate, sometimes you just need more. It is Trader Joe's to the rescue with their Pound Plus. Available in milk or dark chocolate, you are looking at 17.6 ounces of pure chocolate imported from Belgium. You can find them online for $12.00 a bar, but we found them in-store for just $4.99.