
Spooky Pasta

By Heather Wirtz October 20, 2015
I have three boys, they love weird and gross everything... even when their food looks weird and gross. Nothing in this recipe is out of the ordinary, but put the ingredients together with a little extra imagination, you end up with a weird and gross looking meal! Don't worry though, the meal will taste completely normal!

Pasta, black or green
Tomato sauce
Mozzarella string cheese
Balsamic glaze or whole black olives, for the eyeballs

  1. Cook pasta according to package directions.
  2. Heat up tomato sauce.
  3. While pasta is cooking, slice mozzarella string cheese into little circles - they should look like the whites of eyes.
  4. Once pasta is done cooking, drain and transfer to serving bowl.
  5. Top pasta with sauce. Place slices of mozzarella string cheese over the pasta and sauce.
  6. In the center of each mozzarella slice, place a dot of balsamic glaze or a little piece of olive for the eyeball.
  7. Serve immediately.